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We constantly strive to give the best possible care and attention. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from this practice, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the receptionist about any problem you have with the service we provide or put your comments in the “Suggestion Box” in the waiting room.  As part of this process – if a patient provides their contact details in regard to their suggestion, the Practice Manager will be in contact to notify the outcome of their suggestion.

We believe that problems are best dealt with within the practice. You may, however, wish to take your complaint to an outside organisation. The address is

The Health Quality and Complaints Commission
GPO Box 3089
Brisbane   QLD   4001

Our practice does not discriminate against patients on the basis of their gender, race, disability, aboriginality, age, sexual preference, beliefs or medical condition.

We encourage all patients to advise their GP of their cultural background & their emergency contact details.

Services available

Annual health assessments, management plans for patients with chronic health problems, travel medicine, pap smears, men’s health, full skin checks, weight management, blood pressure testing, diabetes management and assessments, ECG’s, medical examinations, pregnancy test, spirometry and minor surgical procedures.

Home Visits

Home visits are performed for patients of the practice who are either too ill or are otherwise unable to attend the surgery. Unfortunately, home visits disrupt surgery efficiency and will only be done if absolutely necessary and are within a 5 km radius of the surgery. Home visits will not be bulk billed and will incur a fee, quoted prior to visit.

After hours

Our practice provides 24 hour care through our locum service. Chevron After Hours is located at 125 Nerang Street, Southport. They can be contacted after hours via our surgery number or by telephoning 5532 8666 directly.


Consultations are by appointment. A standard consultation is 10-15 minutes. Longer consultations are available; please advise staff prior to booking. Longer consultations will inevitably incur a higher fee.

Our Doctor’s reserve a number of unbooked appointments each day to accommodate for emergency appointments.

At all times we will endeavour to offer you an appointment with your regular Doctor however there may be occasions when this is not possible. Our records are fully computerised and all Doctors have access to these records.

We try to avoid delays. Please understand that there may be occasions when emergencies need to be seen.

If you are unable to keep your appointment please telephone, as a charge may be incurred for a missed appointment.

Interpreter services

We have access interpreter services if a patient requires help with communication. Please see our reception staff.


Our practice follows the ‘National Privacy Principles’ and this is designed to explain the procedures we have in place to maintain the security of all information held by us and to inform you of the recent changes to the law that now allows patients a general right of access to their information.

Personal health information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Medical information is only released when the practice has signed consent from the patient.

Pathology Results

Due to medicolegal reasons, as a general rule no results will be given on the phone. You must make an appointment to receive your results. If results are abnormal and are of an urgent nature, you will receive a call from the surgery to make an appointment.


As displayed at reception, we are a private billing practice. Payment of fees is required at the time of consultation. Medicare claims can be lodged at time of consultation for your convenience.

Dr James Kyranis

$85 Standard consultation (15 min)
$150 Long consultation (20-40 min)
$90 New Patient
$90 Weekend

Dr Kevin Roche

$90 Standard consultation (15 min)
$150 Long consultation (20-40min)
$95 New Patient
$90 Teleconference

Dr Alan Waymouth

$90 Standard consultation (15 min)
$150 Long consultation (20-40min)
$95 New Patient
$95 Weekend
$90 Teleconference

Dr Sue Gardiner

$90 Standard consultation (15 min)
$150 Long consultation (20-40min)
$95 New Patient
$90 Teleconference

Telephoning your doctor

This practice receives many phone requests from patients wishing to speak with the doctor. Due to the time involved in handling each call, the nature of phone enquiries must be discussed with the receptionist before the doctor is disturbed. The receptionist will then communicate with the doctor, who will then advise of the appropriate action.

Your call will always be put through to the GP in an emergency.

Patients with a disability

Disable parking is situated at the side and front of this building.

Reminder systems

This practice has a recall system in place to remind you of immunisations, pap smears, annual health assessments and diabetic reviews. These are also Government registers, which may send you reminders such as Australian Childhood Immunisation Register and the Pap Smear Register. The new privacy laws require that we obtain your consent to send you these reminders. Your doctor will discuss with you the checks that may be necessary and will make a note on your record if you consent to be included in the recall and reminder system.


Referral to a specialist requires a medical examination by your doctor so that a relevant and helpful letter can be written. No referral will be given without consultation, nor will it be back dated. This is a medicolegal requirement. Any out of pocket expenses will be advised and if not, you are invited to ask doctor about these expenses.


In the past it has sometimes been the policy to give prescriptions for certain items without consultation. This arrangement is potentially dangerous and prone to error. Therefore, prescriptions will only be issued at time of consultation.

Third party present in consultation room

Our practice will obtain your permission before the consultation if there is ever a third person invited to be present. (e.g. a medical student, another staff or family member).

Overseas travel advice

Please check with your Doctor at least 6 weeks before departure. All patients are encouraged to purchase the private vaccine immediately prior to consultation and to give the vaccine to reception upon arrival.

Sterilisation procedures

All syringes, needles, scalpel blades, surgical gloves and dressing packs are single use disposable items. All instruments are cleaned and sterilised to the current Quality Assurance Standards.